From the *Practices for Kinesiology Zürich and Boppelsen and †Oberrohrdorf and the ‡State School of Physiotherapy, Schinznach, Switzerland
Correspondence should be addressed to Dr. M. Althaus
Running Head: NOT-therapy in whiplash patients
Keywords: Whiplash injury, neck sprain, applied kinesiology, complementary medicine, alternative health care
Background There is no known cure for patients with chronic whiplash-associated disorders (WAD). In this prospective, longitudinal, multicenter, controlled outcome study we examined short- and longterm efficacy and safety of a 5 months therapy with a novel, promising treatment protocol from complementary medicine, the Neural Organization Technique (NOT), in patients with WAD.
Thirteen patients with a diagnosis of WAD, 18 months or longer post injury, were treated with NOT over a time period of 5 months, after a control period of 1 month, and followed by 6 months without therapy. Frequency and intensity (by visual analog scale) of total and predominant main symptoms, general well-being, as measured by a standardized health questionnaire, drug consumption and adverse events were self-protocolled by the patients as a function of therapy and time. Additionally, patients gave their personal assessment on the benefit of the treatment. No other body oriented therapy was allowed.
Seven out of eleven patients (64%), with two early drop-outs, improved considerably in at least 3 out of 4 efficacy parameters within 15-24 therapy sessions. Total symptoms and some of the main symptoms decreased as much as 80%, and stayed mostly stable over 6 months without therapy and care. Nine out of eleven patients (82%) judged the therapy as beneficial. No evidence for causally related adverse events could be observed.
NOT-treatment improves the condition in a greater part of patients with chronic WAD in a cost-effective and safe way and should be considered for use and testing on a larger scale.
Gesamtsymptome (in %)
Hauptsymptome (in %)
Prospective, Longitudinal, Multicenter Study on the Efficacy and Safety of a Therapy with the Neural Organisation Technique in Patients with Chronic Whiplash-Associated Disorders
Marianne Althaus-Salzmann, PhD*, Silvia Karer†, Bruno Baviera, MD‡